Sunday, September 20, 2009

make me happy

Ohmigod, dinner yesterday was sooooooooo much fun!
The bus parked between P0nder0s@ and McD0n@lds and the coaches gave us a choice of the two.
Well, everyone but Greg, Derek, Connor, and I went over to P0nder0s@.
We hit up MickeyDs.
It was the greatest.
We all sat in a booth,
and Connor had an 0rg@sm.
Then we all got back on the bus and Greg, Derek, and I shared one seat like kindergarteners and watched Watchmen.
The. Best.
(Oh, and I get to keep Greg's hat :DD)

You make me happy, whether you know it or not.

Monday, September 7, 2009

lie here for hours

That just about sums up my mood.

The more I think, the more I wish we could just lie here for hours and reminisce.

Friday, September 4, 2009

dont tell me im ordinary

To the Fair tomorrow.
Really hope Tiff can come.
Nothing quite like large public functions with her.
(Even with Adam along, hhahha.)

If you call me at all, don't tell me I'm ordinary.