Saturday, September 20, 2008

cold light

hihi. dont know why, but i wanted to make a new blog. gonna see how many people will actually notice, lol.

sooooooooooooo..........................SOCKS!! everybody likes socks. well, no, wait, not everyone.

gots a new avi. its from a song. i like the song obviously. yep.

soooooo...........theres this guy....................i kinda whanna ask him to homecoming...................but im major chicken, so idk. K might do it for me, but id fell like a major coward if i didnt do it myself you know??

*sigh* high school sucks.

which reminds me of something. Today ta the invite, L's cuz came to see. and he gave this stupid/funny advice............dont go to college.

and the funny part is. i agree with him. ik my mom and dad say thats its mad important, but i rly rly dont want to go. it just seems like a waste of my life. who knows, myb thatll change as i get older, but right now, i rly dont want to go.

yep. so thats my revelation for the night. byeas<3

cold light. hot night. be my heater, be my lover.

1 comment:

Tiffani Williamson said...

haha! i noticed. i feel xpecial. i'm in the middle of keyboarding. lol. the things you notice while sneaking around...