Sunday, October 26, 2008

its raining, Annie.... that you are all definitely certain im a friggin schizo............

jesus christ.........


i hate feeling pathetic. i felt that way friday. i was at lizz's house before the pasketti dinner and she checked this blog.....and made a few comments on it.......and i felt rly rly pathetic. if you dont know why.....i suggest you take a rain check.

god. why cant this weekend just keep going?? *sigh* Tiff? lets go back to chinc. it was happy. and i miss seeing you that happy for such a long period of time. i miss your short sleeves. i miss ass raping bikes (lolz). i miss the beach. i miss the waves. i miss the dock. i miss the air. that feeling of flying. of never wanting to come down. of loving where you are and who youre with.

goddammit. now im crying.

jeez. it seems weird to me, but, my favorite songs are always the ones about running away..... maybe theres a reason for my sport. do we run for enjoyment? or to build a facade for a reality we dont want to face? idk. do you?

It's raining, Annie.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

we'll fight


ok. i feel better now.jeezy creezy im fucked up. you knaow?

and i dont rly care about any fucking typos. cause my life is a fucking shit hole right now.

teachers suck. school sucks. and to top it that xc is over....(almost) i only get to see my best friend/loml every day 2 in fucking EARTH SCIENCE!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!

and i got a fuckin test tomorrow in S.S. which is gonna go bad.....and my grade there is already bad.........77!!!!! FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the band teacher is a total douchse. or however the fuck you spell it. fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

and how in the fuck do you date someone who cheated on you and is a total whore, when someone who really loves you is just sitting there waiting for you??!!!


i cannot get a fucking break!!!

you know what? this is shit!! im goin to bed.

we'll fight for your music halls and dyin' cities.

Monday, October 13, 2008

lights and sounds

hhahha. jeez. i havent posted in weeeeeeks. god. the beginning of the year is so hectic, it isnt even funny!!

hmwrk, float meetings, xc.........JEEZ!!!

its exhausting.


i dont think anyone has noticed that i have this blog yet.....which i find fairly hilairious.

but anyway..............hmmm.

the things ill never say out loud........will never be typed.

hhahhahhahha. and that didnt sound stupid at all.

but....i am worried about lizz. she says shes over him.....but i said that once.......and now my stomach turns whenever i see them together.........

god. im so fucking pathetic, you know??

stop. turn. take a look around at all the lights and sounds.