Saturday, February 21, 2009

we could be heroes

wow, i actually went for a run!!


We could be Heroes! Just for one day...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

reasons to be missed

So, I have been totally mute here for what, four days? That is a recent record. I have been very good about this for the past couple months!

My birthday was Wednesday, I am now 15 years of age. My 'party' was yesterday. We went to the ClayGround and painted some pottery. I made this big fat ass mug. Its dark red with my doodles in black all around it. It has stars, hearts, sailboats, tornadoes, and bowties. That's my plethera of doodles. That's all I ever draw. Hhahha.

Wait, wait, wait!! Okay so people that came to the ClayGround: Lizz, Heidi, Lauren, Tiffani, and Tori. After that we all went back to my house and Susan came over. Okay, do I have that right?? *counts on fingers and in head* Yes. Okay, so we had cake and then we kinda blahhed. Then Tiff came and my Mother made me open stuff. Hhahha, I got this card from Tori that said on the outside: It's your birthday!!! I got you a card!!! And then the inside said: This is the inside of it!!

Hhahha, we were rolling.

Then we all did this really weird hair to eachother......ummm, we watched The House Bunny. Pretty funny. Then we went to bed, but we stayed up for like four hours talking about nothing and everything.

Now everyones gone and I am supposed to be writing my memoir. That was due Tuesday. I don't understand why no one seems to understand that I have nothing to write. They just tell me to think of something. Well I can't!! And when I say that I know they think I'm bullshitting them. But I'm not!! I really have nothing!!!!!!

Whatever, That's all I got.

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

miagata yozoro no hoshi tachi no hikari

Ta-Da!! 50 posts!!

That memoir is really killing me. I have nothing to write about. There is nothing in my life that has had the least bit of impact that I would want to tell the english teacher about.

So I just wrote down a page of bullspit that is basically saying I have nothing.

I am so screwed.

Miagata yozoro no hoshi tachi no hikari.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

boycott love

Ready for the broken record??!

Ready to hear about the goddam boy again??!

Its a good thing I keep this blog. Cause I can read over the shitty things he did to me that I fergot about!!

I fergot about this one: After Courtney broke up with him, He told Tiff he kinda liked me. Because Courtney wasn't fucking there anymore, I suddenly mattered.


Mm, there is a word I am starting to love more and more.

Never(almost never) say it. But I type it alot.

Wow, I went from slightly sad to fucking raving in a matter of 5 minutes. Scary.

So, had a driving lesson today. I can turn, go forward, stop smoothly, and I know where the turning signals are now. And due to a previous lesson with Daddy, I can also back up to turn around.

Fun fun.

Boycott Love,
Detox just to Retox.

just dance

Oh shit!!! Its February!!

My birthday is in four days. (3 and a half??)

Awesome time last night. The dance was wonderfully free of drama. Though with everyone not there, the first hour was kinda boring.

After that we all went to Lizz's house. Too much fun. Told them about the tampon game (really shouldnt have!). We were cracking. (Wegmans.)

Just Dance, It'll be okay.