Sunday, February 1, 2009

boycott love

Ready for the broken record??!

Ready to hear about the goddam boy again??!

Its a good thing I keep this blog. Cause I can read over the shitty things he did to me that I fergot about!!

I fergot about this one: After Courtney broke up with him, He told Tiff he kinda liked me. Because Courtney wasn't fucking there anymore, I suddenly mattered.


Mm, there is a word I am starting to love more and more.

Never(almost never) say it. But I type it alot.

Wow, I went from slightly sad to fucking raving in a matter of 5 minutes. Scary.

So, had a driving lesson today. I can turn, go forward, stop smoothly, and I know where the turning signals are now. And due to a previous lesson with Daddy, I can also back up to turn around.

Fun fun.

Boycott Love,
Detox just to Retox.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

oh now...
just remember what he said at earth science.
if ur rly having difficulty, do like liz did on 30 rock and make a list of pros and cons hehe