Saturday, March 28, 2009

never believe

Shopping with Lizz can definitely take a hit on your self-esteem.


So thin and tall, with a waist that anyone could wrap there hands around and touch their fingers to each other!! (Ohkay, maybe[definitely] that's an exxageration, but still!! Its tiny!!)

And her arms, there is nothing but muscle there!! its insane!!

But yes, we went shopping today out in H****H****. We went to the A***** Mall and hung out for a while. went to Deb and tried on some dresses, hhahha.

I went up another dress size. And im not even really getting fatter, my ribcage is expanding!!! They all fit everywhere else except my ribs!! and maybe my boobs, but i dont know cause the zipper won't go past my ribs!!

*sigh* I hate it when I go up. Stupid huge ribcage.

Yes and we went to Kohls after the mall. I looked at some shorts, cause there is no doubt in my mind that none of the shorts i have will fit. *shakesheadindisgustwithself*

I picked up 3 pairs, all in 11s. I didnt want to be optimistic and try a 9. I know they wont fit, but i like thinking im still small enough.

1 pair barely got past my goddamn motherfucking hips. (They really need to burn in hell!!)

Another was ohkay, but wouldnt close.

1 pair (1 pair!!) actually got up and closed but were too tight for my comfort.

I do have nice legs (I think) but once you get to a certain point it looks like nasty and cottage cheese-y. *shudders* *glancesatoffendingleg* gross.

Basically, NO short-shorts.

Well, I ended up getting two pairs. Dark denim in a 13, and blackandwhite striped in a 15. *shakesheadindisgustwithself*

I also got a top and a black skirt(that I needed. My Mom made me throw out the only one I had.)

I rly like the skirt, It looks really good on me with heels.

- - - - -


The way everything is going rite now..and since rite now i am going to look @ a prospective house... Theres about a ninety percent chance i am moving..........


- - - - -

I was talking to Lizz about this last night.

Has anyone else noticed that no guy liked me until I started wearing my hair like this?

Totally serious. I've got Greg, who only admitted he loved me after. Brett who started liking me after, and a hint(that I dont believe, but still evidence.) that Brett told me about a guy liking me! After my hair came down.

Honestly, all of them knew who I was and what kind of person I was all the time. Now they like me?!

Boys are real bastards.

- - - - -

I will never believe in anything again.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ima Monster! (ha ha ha ha!)

Ohkay, Lizz is the freakin chick!!

even if she made me late to study hall.

srsly, Me and Amy are walking down the hall and Lizz passes on her way to Intermediate. Me and Amy say hi, she doesnt even aknowledge us!! She also looks like the world just ended...So Me and Amy stand there for a good 2 minutes, ttly confused, and freaking out because we dont know whether to go to class or to go see what was wrong.

very confusion-making.

yes, well, back to my original point. Lizz is the chick!!


- - - - -

ver-shoom. AGHH!!! im so happy. hhehhe.

was it a dumb joke? :)

No, it made me laugh. :D

Hehe! Thats what i try to do! Alot of it is cuz i love ur laugh!

gahh!!! *heartmelts*

- - - - -

Super excited to see movie tomorrow!! and myb Lizz spend the night!? I think so.


- - - - -

Go ahead Girl and shake that butt. Make me freakin' bust a nut!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

pop it out like lipstick (:D)

These fools......

So, Discovery Center was sooo much fun. Gotta love that little outdoor garden. Great picatures.

Not alot has happened lately. Just 10 o'clock texting, birdyness, and Happiness Weekend. That's what I'm calling it. :D

Between Tiff and Andy, Lizz and Ryan, Adam and Sonya, and Me and Greg its a pretty happy-making weekend.

That's all. Byeas byeas byeas.

S My D, Pop it out like lipstick, Razor sharp eyelashes, Now my fashion just thrashes on death star black.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




you will never believe what happened.

what starts with screaming ends with burns. and goodnights. and i love yous (!).


Goodnight. I love you.

Lucky I'm in love with my Best Friend....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

where were you?

hmm, you people are strangely mute lately.


yayyy, just at this moment found a new song!!

Where Were You? -Every Avenue

good, and ive become addicted to The City Is At War. and S My D. lol.

not much else.

wahhh!!! Greg is moving!!!!!! most likely. *teartear*

scary. my constant is leaving. my own personal star.

Where were you when I needed you most?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

listen to your mothers

You know what. I wanna take stock.
  • I feel more comfortable with myself.
  • I feel like I'm losing friends.
  • But, I'm also gaining more.
  • I want to be crazy.
  • I want to be out there.
  • I don't care that I can't have him. He stills knows how to say things that make me feel so good.
  • People can be good. They can be trustworthy. They can be good friends.
  • Emma may be a superficial bitch, but I'm not caring about it and dealing.
  • I'm dying my hair this weekend. (maybe this week if I don't have alot of homework to make up)
  • The only thing I could ask for right now, is one dance.
  • I can't wait for spring.
  • I think what really interests me, is not sociology, but the nuerology behind it.
  • I'm happy.

so in conclusion: No boyfriend, losing friends, different future, but, better self-esteem, more trustworthy friends, happiness.

I think I like this new me.

Women, Listen to your Mothers, Don't just sucumb to the wishes of your Brothers.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

like dishes

so, how bout a post with some sanity, yes?

swear to god, i have no clue what i wrote.

okay. new revelations:

having no empathy is a disease/problem.


someones getting hit by a truck.....

okay, i promised sanity, and this is. when youre texting Adam.

Ohkay, normalcy. uhhmm, omg, you should see the wall above my desk. there are about 12 post-it notes mapping out the 2156 storyline/characters. its insane.

1,2,3,4 makes me smile. i love it.

you know what else makes me smile?

that dumb little cheezy heart graphic on cell phones. specialy when it comes from someone special. :D

thats right, i got one. youre jealous. and it came with a good morning. thats it. :D

You know, its really weird who you become friends with.honest, at the beginning of the year, i barely knew who Amy, Andy, Brett, Adam, Taylor, Britney, Amber, and Tanner were! some of them i didnt know at all! but now, idk. its wierd.

now i know that im gonna remember them. hhahha.

okay. im sick of talking. bye bye.

He'll do your ass like dishes!




*revives with help from chainsaw* ;) hhahha, no one will get that.

*rubs neck* fucking chainsaw. hhahha.

so list of wy im going crazy:

i talked to my dog and expected an answer.
i saw a small blur out my window.
now im dying on my blog.

maybe its just the meds. ive been completely doped up for the last few days.

Let's compine:
  • Ibeprofine
  • Motrin
  • Tylenol PM
  • Sudafed
  • and something big and white that i dont remember.

apparently you go crazy on them.

whoo boy, i am freezing. but when i put my sweatshirt on im boiling. head feels like SLUSH!! slush that REALLy HurTAS!

goodbye. i think i need some juice and a lie down.

There's only 1 thing 2 do, 3 words, 4 you, I Love You...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

a necktie?

oh shit oh shit oh shit!!

i am about to have a fucking hemmorage!!

you will not believe the problem i just created myself!!!

how the fuck am i sposed to work this out!!

wait. wait. wait.

i think i got it.


nevermind. crisis averted.

thank you for listening to my freakout.

A Necktie?

nothin to do and nothin to prove

Who knew diving into the future could be so easy. Two more chapters up and im writing one right now.


Apparently getting sick is good for my productivity. (Can't say the same for my spelling.)

Greg got his phone back. Woke me up at 7:00 this morning. i just pushed a bunch of buttons and tried to sleep agin. I swear last night i got a total of 2 hours of sleep. I'd drift and just as i thought i could sleep, i was suddenly awake. went on til 4:30. then i finally got to sleep for a couple hours. but 6 something rolls around and im back to drift, awake, drift, awake.


yuck. i feel like shit. im gonna go finish this chapter. or lay down. we'll see.

Cause it's You and Me, and all other people, with nothin' to do, and nothin' to prove.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i didnt know id love you so much

Prepare for trouble....

Sorry reading you guys' posts are disconcerting and somehow always bring up the Team Rocket theme song.

So yes. This weekend has been an extremely textual one. To recap:
  • Andy started talking to me. Alot. I learned a bunch of stuff I never knew about him before. So, why can't I hold his eyes for more than two seconds? And not in a nervous/fluttery way. More like a scare the fuck outta me kind of way. Weird.
  • Jordan S. asked me out and stalked me for a couple days over text. But big bro Andy *wink* fixed that. Hhahha.
  • Adam started talking to me over text. And if what people are telling me is true, than Greg sounds the same way to other people about me. leSigh. (Uhhmm, Adam is talking about someone else btw, if you don't know who, then yer just retarded.) Its kind of cute, but in a pity-making way. All I know is its giving me great stuff for my future career and I get to help him understand her a bit better. But, I feel really bad for Adam. He's totally heartsick over you! Get with the picture!

Yeah. That's all I have to say. Oh wait!!

Sorry about the ho-downs. Natalie has made me realize just how bitchy it is. No more, I promise.

I didn't know I'd love you so much, but I do.