Sunday, March 8, 2009

like dishes

so, how bout a post with some sanity, yes?

swear to god, i have no clue what i wrote.

okay. new revelations:

having no empathy is a disease/problem.


someones getting hit by a truck.....

okay, i promised sanity, and this is. when youre texting Adam.

Ohkay, normalcy. uhhmm, omg, you should see the wall above my desk. there are about 12 post-it notes mapping out the 2156 storyline/characters. its insane.

1,2,3,4 makes me smile. i love it.

you know what else makes me smile?

that dumb little cheezy heart graphic on cell phones. specialy when it comes from someone special. :D

thats right, i got one. youre jealous. and it came with a good morning. thats it. :D

You know, its really weird who you become friends with.honest, at the beginning of the year, i barely knew who Amy, Andy, Brett, Adam, Taylor, Britney, Amber, and Tanner were! some of them i didnt know at all! but now, idk. its wierd.

now i know that im gonna remember them. hhahha.

okay. im sick of talking. bye bye.

He'll do your ass like dishes!

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