Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fuck. My Life.

I'm in bed right?
I hear the phone ringing.
I lay there figuring that someone else will get it 'til I realize no one is here to get it.
I get up really fast so it won't go to machine.
I step on Emma's bed next to mine and my foot ends up sinking below my metal bed frame.
When I step up it scrapes the back of my ankle.
I have a nice welt going there now.
This hurts like a mother.
I keep going for the phone.
I get out to the living room.
Though my sleep haze I see the phone resting on the back of the couch.
I put my knee down as I dive for it (No lie, I dived!) and I forget the mats to keep the dog off.
You know, the spiky ones.
I get the whole front of my shin completely mutilated.
Not cuts, but super scrapes in the form of 29 super long lines and 31 dots that just dug in horribly.
I still answer the phone.
"Hi, this is Empire Vision calling letting you know...."
Fuck. My Life.

1 comment:

Lizz L Lindsay said...

ahh omg.. i hate that!!! i feel bad for you=(