Monday, December 29, 2008

by the ocean



you ever look at those pictures of girls on myspace that look rly pretty without even trying?

i wish i could be like that.

I want to take pictures with my friends and feel like im pretty. instead of feeling rly not pretty next to my amazingly georgeous friends. how does that work out, eh?

i want to take a good picture for once, so i can have a decent myspace default. not one that hides half my face.

i want to take random pictures that i can laugh at without cringing.

i want to take a picture that someone else wants.

i want to be considered pretty enough to be an sm.

i want to goof off and be in pictures, instead of hiding behind people and/or taking them.

i want to feel pretty.

**and yess im hung up on pictures right now.

I had a dream last night we, made love by the ocean.


Anonymous said...

Oh baby. If it makes any difference at all I can tell you that I've only felt pretty once in my whole life. On my wedding day when I was dressed like a princess, I felt pretty. The rest of the time I'm lucky if I can manage "cute" or "not-bad".

Pretty is as pretty does...isn't that what Forest Gump's Mama would say?

And to me, you are as pretty as they come. Better than're beautiful.

Lizz L Lindsay said...

babe, come over, I'm all over it, believe it or not, almost every girl has these insecurities, and trust me i dod, MAJOR. but we'll do a sleep over at my house, and i tottaly fix that!

HarperH said...

i might have to hold you to that.