Thursday, December 11, 2008

this useless heart

well its official, i dont exist.

no one comments me. im not whining but jeez, a little recognition would be nice....

well, it happened.

Hope fucking killed me.

In the BAND ROOM!!

and no not cause of the teacher or class........

Hope killed me.

how pathetic is that. im writing a fucking one shot on it. check it out. Lizz can scold me for how pathetic i am, Lauren can pretend to sympathize, Tiff can empathize while we wollow in our misery. mmhmm. its gonna be a good story. Fantasy vs. Reality.

and my new obbsession playlist?

its called Broken Heart.

I'll destroy this useless heart, I'll fuck it up so it'll never beat again.
Not just for me but for anyone...


Tiffani Williamson said...

im still here,
im jusst really confused :/

Lauren Ann said...

umm glad u feel that way.
glad u think that my feelings are fake; and i dont care about any of my friends.
yeah that sure makes sense.

HarperH said...

hm okay. umm, i meant it this way.

you try to care, but your so wrapped up in yourself and in your own drama that you cant dredge up enough tired emotion to care.

yes? yes.

im sry.

Lizz L Lindsay said...

wow, that was interesting, but just know i don't comment cause i'm to lazy, not that i don't care, and i didn't rly think it was htat big of a deal cause no one comments on mine.