Tuesday, January 27, 2009

have to be strong enough


take a look at this list of songs again. tell me that would not make the most awesome playlist.


Should I do it?


But I know I'm making it a playlist on my Ipod.



So, Regents Week.

No School. Just Basketball and Masquers.

Yayy. *pitifully waves pennet*

Too much. Even without the school in the mix its no fun.

I just want to go to Masquers.

And apparently the team does much better without me tripping over things and fouling on accident. :) Or Gabby and Britney just mangling girls out there. Cause I'm pretty sure Lizz isn't a problem. She's gotten much better about hanging on to the ball. :)

Sorry, referring to the fact that they had like, there best game ever without the four of us there. We were all at All-County Auditions. Fun fun.

Oh yeah. I made into All County Chorus. Well, not really made it. I kinda like had to. Whatever. I don't really care that much. Don't see why anyone else does. Lizz made it made it. Like she actually had to try out. She did really good.

Not much else to say. Emma's home sick. Little brat.

Stand up, stand up!
We have to be strong enough.
We're trying hard to be ourselves again.

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