Sunday, January 4, 2009

just in what they are.

tell me people.

what amazes you? in the real sense of the word. what are the most aamazing things you can think of?

Ask me that question and i can think of a few things. but why would i want to share? why would you want to share?

you never share amazement for fear of feeling stupid. What if what you find amazing or wonderful or beautiful is just normal to other people?

why can't we share amazment at anything? Why is something amazing to us? What makes it amazing?

Why do I find Christmas Lights amazing? And not just the huge displays. The simplest are often the most amazing.

Why does the fact that I've had the longest relationship in our class amaze me? In third grade no less.

Why do I find Greg amazing? Seriously?

Why does happiness amaze me? Just unabashed happiness. No reason, just blissful happiness. Why is that so amazing?

Why do my friends canstantly amaze me? When other people just think we're retarded. hhahha.

Why is interaction so amazing? Just normal people. Just society. Conduct. Etiqutte. Propriety. That all amazes me. But most people think of it as just normal daily life. When i see layers upon layers built up to seem normal, whatever normal is.

tell me people.

What amazes you?

- - - - -

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.

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