Tuesday, March 10, 2009

listen to your mothers

You know what. I wanna take stock.
  • I feel more comfortable with myself.
  • I feel like I'm losing friends.
  • But, I'm also gaining more.
  • I want to be crazy.
  • I want to be out there.
  • I don't care that I can't have him. He stills knows how to say things that make me feel so good.
  • People can be good. They can be trustworthy. They can be good friends.
  • Emma may be a superficial bitch, but I'm not caring about it and dealing.
  • I'm dying my hair this weekend. (maybe this week if I don't have alot of homework to make up)
  • The only thing I could ask for right now, is one dance.
  • I can't wait for spring.
  • I think what really interests me, is not sociology, but the nuerology behind it.
  • I'm happy.

so in conclusion: No boyfriend, losing friends, different future, but, better self-esteem, more trustworthy friends, happiness.

I think I like this new me.

Women, Listen to your Mothers, Don't just sucumb to the wishes of your Brothers.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

im glad youre happy, harper :D