Wednesday, April 1, 2009

save me from being confused

blah diddy blah blah blah.

Today was interesting, no doubt. But, I really hate day 4.

*sigh* I can't tell!! That's bugging me. (i.e. It's not bad, on the contrary it's good. But I can't tell!) But no getting anyone in trouble.


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Not alots to say. Just very bored and should be working on hmwrk fer Friday. (yayy! for teacher's workshops!)

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Sonya seems nice but a little quiet. And a bit scared also. I get the feeling she doesn't like us er somethin. She probly won't sit with us again, huh?

Whatever, she makes Adam happ. That's good enough for me.

Btw, does anyone know any good comebacks to SexHair?? I can't think of one.....(I don't think there even is one!!)

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I feel very blah, but I shouldn't.

It's all this secret keeping. And Lauren being all blech. And barely talking with Tiffy. And not seeing Greg. And the rain today!!! I demand good weather Mother Nature!!! (And for Gym to randomly be canceled tomorrow!)

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Save Me, I'm lost. Oh Lord, I've been waiting for you.
I'll pay any cost, save me from being confused.
Show Me What I'm Looking For....

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

sonya thinks you all are very nice =]
sonya broke up with adam this afternoon...
and how am i being blech? i think im being rather reasonable with everything in my life right now.