Sunday, November 30, 2008

fucked up

well, my room is clean.

ik, i never thought it possible either.

hhahha, my mommy went all slave driver on me and now its clean.

btw, Lizz? we cleaned out our old dress up clothes and found some stuff that could definitely work for the play. would you like it?

BAM!!! random BFS jam!!!


umm, what was i saying? oh yeah, i was thinking that Blacckk Dresss; is my fav title that ive ever come up with.

um, yeah. i dont have much to say....wait!!! i do!!!!!!!!!!!

so yeah, we had our first game friday. we suck, but it was funnish. and then saturday.

oh boy.

so it was a tourney, yes? yes, and we had to play the loser of the other game, JC. first of all, they bribe their refs. no lie. so it wasnt a fair game at all. well, i had the ball after a rebound...and umm...this chick on the other team was slapping and scratching me, from behind, which is a total foul...i think. ik its def not allowed. its a reach or a hold. one of them. so i am so pissed that shes doing it and a refs not calling it, that i whip myself around and yell at the same time "STOP HITTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".............and um in the process of swinging around her face gets in the way of my elbow.....and she just goes down. i frigging knocked her contact out. and i was so pissed i started crying and shaking. it was sad.

and there was this one girl who thought she could take on Brit and Kristal....which they would sooo tag team her and hurt her....and then we would all come out and kill her for messing with our teammates. hhahha, oh and the first half took an hour, just cause of all the fouls and shat like that. and there was this one chick (who could be a man) who scratched Mel's forehead. so we all come off the court after the first half, and Mel is like "she scratched me, the psycho weirdo!!" hhahhahha, so we are like rollin and it wasnt til after the game that we wondered, what were the people in the stands thinking was wrong with us? hhahhahhahhahha

yeah, we were so mad. we thought it was gonna be a fight eventually. so now we're gonna be out shopping or something and we're gonna see some of them, and we're gonna go up and punch them.

hhehhe. they bring out our homicidal tendencies.

Let's Get Fucked Up and Die.

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