Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the show

soo, yeah.

i havent posted in a while due to alot of crazy shat. Basketball started and that takes up ALOT of time. not that i dont love it =]. oh and for the past week ive been cause i think i pulled a muscle in my shoulder. im not sure cause i never went to the doctor. well, anyway, today was the first time ive played since.....Wednesday.


so i have a couple new developments on the boy front. I told Brett i like him and what does he say?? "thats cool". mmhmm. oh, and Greg now kinda likes me. this is of course after he has a falling out with the slut. jeez. get this. they broke up....and were still sucking face all over the place. mmhmm, classy. well, yeah. i have a feeling that im a rebound, fall out, safehouse. as soon as some other girl shows some interest in macking it up with him....i dont exist. oh yeah! and he says that hes mad we dont see eachother alot. (we have one class together....every four days....) well i wanna say.....so now that i 'exist' again, you care. Honestly, he didnt give a damn when she was still 'acknowlegding' him. *sigh* it pisses me off. and it makes me mad.....that i cant even get my hopes up.......

*sigh* stupid boys.

yep. now ive worked myself down into sadness. hmm. thinking of Gregused to make me happy...........now that its got all complicated, idk. its conflicting.....hmm, shall i quote myself? i think i will. "Love and anguish are lovers, enemies, and brothers. Completely alike, yet totally different." yep. i wrote that. it makes me feel special. to know that im capable of that.

well. *sigh* idk. we'll see how this progresses. but i will say this:

I do NOT want to be a safety.

Life is a maze and Love is a riddle.

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