Tuesday, November 18, 2008

30 Days

you know, theres so many more productive things i could be doing right now??? but no. im gonna sit here and pour my mind out to no one. fuck, ive got homework, a rewrite of It Was There, and books to start on.

I've got finish a complete draft of my essay on "The Masque of Red Death" for English,

Book work for S.S.,

Eagle Strike to finish(from Tori),

and loads of other stuff! so what do i do? i sit down, turn on the music, and start on this pathetic mess. ay vay.

so yesterday i had this huge blowup in band.

So im already pissed cause he(the band director) treats the trumpet section like royalty(he apologizes to them if theyre not playing!!), so he has the woodwinds play this particularly difficult section of music and the trumpets have to grade us. so we play it bad (as usual) and they give us bad grades. that gets me more pissed off. so when we're done, LIZZY (who is a baritone player, not a trumpet) raises her hand and is like "I think they were playing to loud, like all of them were playing as loud as they could." so i sit up and nearly yell, "Well, maybe we play loud to compensate for the fact that we can't do the notes and rhythms together!"........total silence. then gabby or someone goes, "Calm down." or "Whoa" so i rly yell this time, "I'm sorry, it just pisses me off that hes having them grade us!!!!"......silence. again. and now everyone looks up at him and is expecting me to go to in school or something, and hes just standing there smiling. yep smiling. so he goes, "I planned this." WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! he planned for all this inter band fighting!! i yelled at two of my best friends!! i was sitting there fuming while he explains this and everyone is looking at me like im a bomb about to go off.


*sigh* its so stupid.

whatever. so i have a good book recommendation. Bloodline. it was rly good. the whole book is like excerpts from peoples diarys and letters.

i founds a new song i rly like, 30 Days by NeverShoutNever! unfortunately its not on project playlist.....

i rly like NeverShoutNever! im almost suprised, i dont usually like every song i hear by a band. the only ones are Bowling For Soup, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, The White Stripes, Ben Folds(but hes an artist, not a band) and now NeverShoutNever! maybe my trepidation is stupid, idk.


meh. goodnight and goodluck. i love you all.

30 days to Christmas and all I know is I'm not quite ready to let this go.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

yeah, that band day was crazy.
but he still treats the trumpets like freaking gold.