Sunday, January 4, 2009

there's a story...

have you ever sat and taken stock of your life? i do that at night. and im not sure if i like what i see.

  • I'm a month from 15.
  • I've had one boyfriend my whole life.
  • I've never been kissed.
  • I'm horribly unsure of myself.
  • I'm hopelessly in love with a boy who doesn't seem to care.
  • I don't do things I think are right, in case they are wrong.
  • I'm shy. Not on the surface, but underneath.
  • I haven't accomplished anything I'm proud of.
  • I'm scared. Of life.
  • I don't ever want to go to college.
  • But I also kind of do.
  • I've cried three times today.
  • I have horrible self-esteem.
  • I want to run away.
  • But I also don't.
  • I've listened to the same two songs over and over again for the last 20 minutes.
  • I want something to happen to me.
  • I wish I had a talent.
  • I wish i could be proud of myself for something.
  • Make that four times.
  • I want someone to want me.
  • I've never held hands with a guy.

That's me. I think. Hmm. I don't like it. I don't like my place right now. I don't like me.

There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen.


Anonymous said...

You're killing me. Dead.

Talent? You've got more talent in your little finger than most people have in their whole being. Your voice, your musical ability, your art, your creativity. That's all talent. Proud of yourself for something? What, your grades, sports, music, writing, ability to make people laugh, ability to see through bullshit, being a great friend, and just generally being an awesome person aren't enough to be proud of? What more do you need?

I wish that the boy you love would love you back. I really do. I know it hurts and it sucks and it makes you feel like shit. Just try to remember that it all passes. Time makes it better.

Being scared of life and being unsure of yourself are all part of growing up. Again, it's not fun, but it does get better.

You will have that kiss and hold those hands. It may not be for a while, but it will happen.

Don't you ever run away. I would fall apart from fear.

Hang in there, baby girl. Even if you don't realize it, you're doing great.

Lizz L Lindsay said...

hey, the boys i love never love me back, i'm not nearly as good at singing as you, i voice my opinion cause it makes ppl listen to me when i feel likea usless person that gets ignored, i busy myself with so many things so i don't ahve to think about my lack of a social life, i pretend to not care about what others think... but inside i really do, and most of all, i hate that usless feeling i get when my friends feel bad about something i can't help...=[...

we're more alike then you think

Anonymous said...

hey Harper; this is your sister talking(typing;whatever) you are extremely talented!!! and awesome and pretty and like a ton of other stuff! and you don;t have to go to college if you don't wanna; the choice is yours and apparently that boy does notice you ;) and the whole kissing thing and holding hands, its all inn time, Ive never kissed a boy,, and I'm fine, but then again i don't care. and always remember, your life is ten times better than mine.. your friends are way better, your brain is way better, i sound like a retard when i try to be sarcastic, my life is so full of crap and drama, i have no one that doesn't live in our house that i can 100% trust, you gave more patience, EVERYONE tells me i am just like grandma carol.. that sells the show right their cause Ur not like her at all but i am just like her, apparently. so think off that!