Wednesday, January 28, 2009

were you honest?

So, ten honest things. That I just wrote and Blogger refused to publish. So they sent me back to do IT AGAIN!!!!!!!



1.) I'm scared as hell.

2.) I need to get out of this shithole town.

3.) Secrets will be the death of me.

4.) I have to much to handle. I want to just quit basketball so that its one less thing. But I can't because I'm afraid of disappointing people. Especially my Daddy, cause he's the one who taught me to never quit. But, I need thought process and time for my life.

5.) I want to go to a therapist. An impartial person I can talk to. But, I know we can't afford. And my Mom is gonna see this and come talk to me. And I will feel like a selfish shit.

6.) I try to write this blog like no one is reading. But I have to monitor what I say so I don't let something slip. See number 3.

7.) I think people expect to much of me.

8.) I wish I was more motivated.

9.) I want to date some other guy, just so Greg can see how much it fucking hurts.

10.) I'm afraid that being an adult will be boring. Of falling into the same routine, and being so depressed with my life that I want to kill myself.


Were you honest when you said, 'I could never leave your bed'?


Anonymous said...

1. What exactly are you scared of? Or is it just a general sense of fear?

2. Some day, you will leave here.

3. What are these secrets? I am worried now.

4. I realize you are over-booked. It's a hard time for you right now. If you really feel overwhelmed, talk to me and I'll help.

5. We can afford it. If you're serious, I will call tomorrow.

6. I have the same problem.

7. I also have the same problem.

8. Me too (about myself).

9. Oooo, revenge.

10. Sometimes being an adult really sucks....but we get to drive and spend our own money and do pretty much what we want, so it's not all bad.

Seriously? I mean every word.

HarperH said...

could you make that call? please?

Anonymous said...

Oh honey. Yes.

Lauren Ann said...

:) ^^^
see this is an example of why i love blogger