Saturday, March 28, 2009

never believe

Shopping with Lizz can definitely take a hit on your self-esteem.


So thin and tall, with a waist that anyone could wrap there hands around and touch their fingers to each other!! (Ohkay, maybe[definitely] that's an exxageration, but still!! Its tiny!!)

And her arms, there is nothing but muscle there!! its insane!!

But yes, we went shopping today out in H****H****. We went to the A***** Mall and hung out for a while. went to Deb and tried on some dresses, hhahha.

I went up another dress size. And im not even really getting fatter, my ribcage is expanding!!! They all fit everywhere else except my ribs!! and maybe my boobs, but i dont know cause the zipper won't go past my ribs!!

*sigh* I hate it when I go up. Stupid huge ribcage.

Yes and we went to Kohls after the mall. I looked at some shorts, cause there is no doubt in my mind that none of the shorts i have will fit. *shakesheadindisgustwithself*

I picked up 3 pairs, all in 11s. I didnt want to be optimistic and try a 9. I know they wont fit, but i like thinking im still small enough.

1 pair barely got past my goddamn motherfucking hips. (They really need to burn in hell!!)

Another was ohkay, but wouldnt close.

1 pair (1 pair!!) actually got up and closed but were too tight for my comfort.

I do have nice legs (I think) but once you get to a certain point it looks like nasty and cottage cheese-y. *shudders* *glancesatoffendingleg* gross.

Basically, NO short-shorts.

Well, I ended up getting two pairs. Dark denim in a 13, and blackandwhite striped in a 15. *shakesheadindisgustwithself*

I also got a top and a black skirt(that I needed. My Mom made me throw out the only one I had.)

I rly like the skirt, It looks really good on me with heels.

- - - - -


The way everything is going rite now..and since rite now i am going to look @ a prospective house... Theres about a ninety percent chance i am moving..........


- - - - -

I was talking to Lizz about this last night.

Has anyone else noticed that no guy liked me until I started wearing my hair like this?

Totally serious. I've got Greg, who only admitted he loved me after. Brett who started liking me after, and a hint(that I dont believe, but still evidence.) that Brett told me about a guy liking me! After my hair came down.

Honestly, all of them knew who I was and what kind of person I was all the time. Now they like me?!

Boys are real bastards.

- - - - -

I will never believe in anything again.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

omg, seriously.
harper marie! haha jk.
but really, remember that dress you wore to i think snowball last year? you said a girl without a figure couldnt pull it off, and you definatley did pull it off. stop trying to think of how lizzs body is so much better, just think of the many perks of your own body. people already love you how you look now, and you know image definatley isnt everything. =]