Wednesday, April 8, 2009

cigarette burns ; fast women

I feel so much better!!

Last night I might have been crying, but I woke today with a "Fuck You" attitude.

Two weeks ago today, Greg said we were going out. I don't care who know. He can keep his own damn secrets.

For the next two weeks he proceeded to not talk to me once, even text. I would try to talk to him in school, but he ignored me to talk to other people. I saw him with his arm around Ciaira in the hall once.

Last night, I was finally fed up with being miserable.

I texted Tiff and asked her if I should break-up with Greg. I told her why, and she consulted Andy. (Who is probly the most knowledgeful on the subject of Greg.)

Andy says that Greg "isn't really into it anymore."

Typical. Bastardly. Behavior.

This starts me crying, my heart feels like it is ripping in half. I text Tiff and say I'm definitely breaking up with him tomorrow.

I planned on talking to him before 1st period. I did not want to text him. I wanted to face him like a normal human being.

This morning, he texted me, like the coward he is, and said he wanted to annul the going out thing. Yeah, he rly said that. He said he loved me(hah!) and we could still be friends, but everytime he looked at me he felt guilty cause we were dating.

Apparently someone told him I was gonna dump him or something. So I say, who told you?

He says, what?

I say, who told you I was gonna break up with you?

He acts all suprised then wants to know why. I tell him why, and then I say leave me alone.

He says: whatever you want :'(

I say, STFU.

And I haven't communicated with him since.

Today in Band he was holding Ciaira's hand. It was only for like 10 seconds, but it was there.

- - - - -

Somehow, I don't think he ever loved me. I think he knew how I felt, that I was their. Because he said what I wanted to hear so much, I believed it was true.

But as soon as someone else catches his attention....Gone.

This is actually typical Greg.

Remember how he liked me after Courtney stopped making out with him??


Remind me to never fall for his bullshit again.

- - - - -

These children learn from cigarette burns, fast cars, fast women, and cheap drinks.


Anonymous said...

One the one hand, I'm really sorry. Because I know that no matter how you slice it, it hurts and he's a complete douche for behaving like that.

On the other hand, GOOD FOR YOU for being strong and taking charge and seeing things for what they are. There are other guys out there...guys that will like you for who you are.

(but I know it probably hurts a lot right now and for that I just want to punch him in his scrawny little face)

Lauren Ann said...

hhaha i love your mom
and, it is partially the other girl's fault.
she wouldve steered clear if she cared.
note: will bitch him out. it will be a while until the next time i can punch him muahaha.