Wednesday, April 29, 2009

come one down

Random moment of happiness. You know that warm tingly feeling in your tummy? It came back for a bit today.

ok, so he thinks your cute, um, i 4got what u were wearing but he leans over2me&goes "holy crap harpers hot 2day" &he kept going "look at her" haha um, yeah he thinks your giggle is cute&your smart XD

There's more but that was the happiest making part. :) Definite confidence booster.

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Listening to 'Down To The River To Pray' endlessly for some reason. It's got a haunting feel to it that I'm liking.....and its really pretty too.

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Neither harper or lizzy is talking to me. How immature of them. Im so proud of myself :)

*shakeshead* You're srsly still talking about us. Hypocritical I know, but I had to include it cause it was so absurd.

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Someones gonna come in the Art room and get white on your hand.


Still, I love Art.

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Oh Mothers, Let's go down, Come on down, Don't you wanna go down?

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

he said proud of you guys. like being sarcastic.
tha loser.