Tuesday, April 14, 2009

possibly maybe

How to tell if a song is dead:

Brandi adds it to her Myspace.


There goes Slow Motion by Panic At The Disco.

These are the things that make me glad that people are starting to develop taste.....and ttly devestated that aforesaid statement will die as soon as Lady Gag-me or someone even worse comes along with a new song. And it's gonna take the song down with it.

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How do you go from feeling ttly good one moment after the Samuri trashes the Viking to feeling like yer being ripped in half??

One commercial. One song. And One reminder of then.

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I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

im sorry again.
my mom was being stupid.
sry. i didnt know it cost minutes for you to recieve messages/ sry.