Sunday, April 19, 2009

seen this all before

Super mad fun last night!!

Kara(my neighbor)'s birthday party was last night and I got to go over for a couple hours.

So, who all was there?? Uhmm, Amy, Bree, Devon, Kara, Addie, Maggie, Asia....I think thats all. Nope, there was someone else who I can't think of.

It was dark when I went over, so we all sat around the fire and played "Lone Wolf". I am not a very convincing liar, hhahha.

Then we played Manhunt. Against certain people I can pwn at Manhunt. I was never caught last night. Hhahha, highlights include: Me throwing a flashlight at Devon as to evade capture(I did), Devon setting off a motion sensor light(!), and Bree pulling a hilairious diversion.

Super mad fun.

Night :)

- - - - -

We've seen this all before, It's just another War.
The only difference is, We lose when it begins.

1 comment:

Lauren Ann said...

gee how fun.
dont make me jealous =]

homosexual infant!