Saturday, May 30, 2009

different area codes

Wow havent been here in awhile!!

I've been writing in an actual notebook, cause I like how my cursive looks and cause as of late I don't feel like sharing.

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Noticed lately, the words 'babe' and 'baby' kinda rip a hole through me.

Thats the only lasting effect so far.

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Took mattress up to Tiffys today.

Got to hold little Chase :))))))))

Too cute.

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Se-cret val-en-tine....

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Got a 43 out of 45 on my playing quiz. Gabbie hasn't had hers yet. So, we'll see.......

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"'13 kids went down in Littleton. Who do you remember?'
'Klebold and Harris.'
'I rest my case.'"

- - - - -

^^from Give a Boy a Gun. Good book. The author is amazing. This is the second book of his that I've read. Both of them have been right up my alley. The first, a social experiment about peer pressure called The Wave. This one about the two boys responsible for a school shooting. It was really unjust the way those boys were treated, and in the end they didn't even kill anyone. They were the only ones to die. One shot himself, the other had his HEAD BEAT IN by the kids who tormented him daily after he was subdued. How sick is that!? No one's even pressing charges!!

Ugh, some of those accounts by the football players and teachers are just sick and show you why this country is so fucked.

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I got money and hoes and different area codes,
I walk down the block,
They want what I got.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Meet me. The imsomniac.

This is my normal bedtime. Am I tired??


I'm gonna be so dead in the morning.

I'm thirsty.....brb.

I just checked behind my door for a serial killer....*facepalm*

Going to bed now......kaythxbai.

last day

Thursdays suck balls.

No lie.

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Had to fish a quarter out of my bra twice today. Apparently I have "magic b00bs" cause the quarter answered every question right afterwards.

Stupid Brett.

Ah, least hes back to thowing things down my shirt, rather than manic depressive weirdo.

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Glee is pretty good. I really only like to listen to the voices. They're amazing.

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Am practicing my ears off (literally with that picc.) with my band stuff. I really want to play piccolo and get a good seat next year.

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Got a solo in chorus.


I don't know. I'm not a fan of the song...My voice just happens to fit spirituals.


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Who needs a pick me up?! I do!!

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Lunch has gotten more fun as of late.

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Nothing to say really. Just bored.

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If today was your last day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

sea blue line

"Beyond the sea blue line,
I met the love of my life.
She'd rather see me dead than face.

I love your starry eyes,

I'm in love,
but not for long."

-Currents Convulsive ; Pierce The Veil

Monday, May 18, 2009

ballad of fallen angels

I just completely missed my chair and hit the floor.

Fun, yeah??

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The TV fails to tell me how to run away.

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You know I've really nothing to say. I just sit for a half hour or so and write whatever comes to mind.

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Hello, How are you? Like your shoes, love your hair.

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Smile, the World is crashing down about your ears.

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Found my Mozart CD.


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I love my new curtains. They're a gauzy black. Just lovely.

Positively lovely.

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I should just face it. I will never have a boyfriend.

I always fuck up the part before.

It doesn't sadden me anymore. It's just the fact of the matter.

To me, guys are friends. I can't make them anything more.

It just doesn't work.

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I have been illegally adopted by two people now, if only for a day.


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I haven't been watching much TV as of late. Just watch movies, Skins, and then piss around on the internet.


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The rain god is staring at me from above.

It doesn't say much, but its still staring.

Never blinks.

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Caliente cafe con leche.

Put 20 dollars on todays lottery.

1 ticket that's it.

Hey, a mans gotta dream.

- - - - -

Emma lies. A lot.

and takes my things.

and annoys the piss outta me.


- - - - -

Meet me. The anomaly.

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Get lost in the swells of dark strings. They can swallow you right up.

- - - - -

The Ballad of Fallen Angels.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Save Yourselves, The Whales Are Fine.

Enjoy :)

Hope you smiled as much as I am.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

turns out the lights

I think I messed something up. I just wanna be your friend again, ohkay??

Just friends :)

I honestly liked you better with her.

It was more fun.

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Swear to God that Kerr is staring at me in lunch.

Please tell me hes looking at other people too!!

I'm not being all bigheaded, its just how it kind of feels.

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Aww, Lizzy you two are so cute :)

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"I swear you and Jake know every girl in this school."

Good one Andrew...bit too true but, *sigh*

No trouble here.

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Haven't been posting alot....Just nothing to say really.

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New wallpaper for my phone. Great pic of Select. Mad fun :)

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It has been decreed. I am an opposite. I look emo but am too happy.

hhahha, the retarded cows said so. XD

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Almost done with Farsala....I AM going to tackle Tolkien next.

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"That British kid called my parenting 'bullocks'!!"

hhahha, Earl.

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I don't need people...I just happen to find them entertaining.


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We'll write a Song, that turns out the Lights.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ttly skeeved off ESci lab today. It was awesome. Novi barely even noticed. He's just pissed we missed time to do the individual lab which I took home and did.

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Got an invite to Steph's party. So did Megan so thats all good.

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Harper needs to lighten up and have fun.

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Had nothing else to do last I wrote out a bit of that new character with a new writing style. It doesn't have a storyline yet, but its fun to write.

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Why is one of the tag examples scooters?! Do people tag with scooters alot?! Its fricking first for gods sake!!

Stupid scooters.

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I could hear the angels whispering.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

nervous and shy

Happy Mommy's Day.

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Experimenting with new character...all in my head though. I really wanna finish 2156.

I like my new character...Don't love her, but shes got a gritty potential.

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I think I really like you.....Wonder what I should do.

If any of you start harassing him, I will kill you.

Andy is already bad enough..

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My room is very red :)

My new black and white uber cheap bedspread is out too.

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Everytime I see you online....I smile.

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Nervous and shy, for the moment we will come alive, for the night.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

the whole wide World is mine...

"If I had a chance for another try,
I wouldn't change a thing.
It's made me all who I am inside.
And if I could thank God,
That I am here and that I am alive.
And every time I wake,
I tell myself a little harmless lie:

The whole wide World is mine."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

hardly breathe


Hhehhe, its stuck in my head.

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Nyah-nyah!! I got Mozilla!! It kicks butt!!

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Ohmigod, I thought I was gonna die when Max and Tony started making out. Whoo, then Max took his shirt off...I was like woah! That is not what I thought it would be. Much better!!

Hhahha, great moment. Great episode. Great show.


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Jimmy's gonna kill somebody.


Zack is gonna cry!!


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Ugh, Greg texted me. He says he will beg. I'm like: fuck off.

You screwed up too bad this time. Leave me alone, I'm sick of you.


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Tiffy, I have tried. I cannot write lyrics. I suck at it.

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I dripped egg yolk on my keyboard today....oops -_-

The space bar was stuck to the "v"!!

hhahha, I was trying to e-mail Tanner and I kept getting a "vspace". I was like, what?!

- - - - -

Ohmigod!! Tanner has a boyfriend!!

Hhehhe, apparently he's a real cutie.


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Emma was really good.

Cause I can do that weirdly, I was able to pick her voice out. It was very nice. Loud enough to be heard and completely in tune. *applauds*


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hhahha, Derek texted me after the concert:

Is emma dating jimmie yet


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hhahha, me and Shayne were ttly killing our sisters. We were dancing during their warm-ups in the Chorus Room. Member how we used to do the beginning of each song?? Yeah, we danced to that. Megan and Emma were about to shoot us.


- - - - -

Sorry Lo. It's in my head and it fits perfectly. Don't know why, but it just does!!

The following statement is copyrighted by Lauren.

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The World is out, This Town can hardly breathe.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

watch the sunrise


Flirting fail. Meditate?! Shit, I musta done something weird :)

Yet, I feel unembarresed and happyish......*shrug*

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My walls are red!!.........or getting there.I don't know, It's hard to tell.

Though I'm eternally grateful to the Mother who painted :)

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See the Pyramids aong the Nile....Watch the sunrise from my Tropic Isle....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

last good thing

Finally had enough sense to use a comment Tiff made ages ago. If you wash with cold water, color will stay longer.

It seems to have worked, but I'm fucking freezing.

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I need to do something besides mow the lawn today.

I knowI turned down a chance to go out with my Mom, but that didn't feel right. I think I'll go for a walk or something...

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You were the last good thing about this part of Town.

Friday, May 1, 2009

counts the minutes


Ohkay, all better. :)

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Re-working my playlist.

I'm tired of this one.

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Not much to report.

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Hours pass, and she still counts the minutes that I am not there.