Thursday, May 21, 2009

last day

Thursdays suck balls.

No lie.

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Had to fish a quarter out of my bra twice today. Apparently I have "magic b00bs" cause the quarter answered every question right afterwards.

Stupid Brett.

Ah, least hes back to thowing things down my shirt, rather than manic depressive weirdo.

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Glee is pretty good. I really only like to listen to the voices. They're amazing.

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Am practicing my ears off (literally with that picc.) with my band stuff. I really want to play piccolo and get a good seat next year.

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Got a solo in chorus.


I don't know. I'm not a fan of the song...My voice just happens to fit spirituals.


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Who needs a pick me up?! I do!!

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Lunch has gotten more fun as of late.

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Nothing to say really. Just bored.

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If today was your last day.

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