Thursday, May 21, 2009


Meet me. The imsomniac.

This is my normal bedtime. Am I tired??


I'm gonna be so dead in the morning.

I'm thirsty.....brb.

I just checked behind my door for a serial killer....*facepalm*

Going to bed now......kaythxbai.

1 comment:

♥IDEFK♥ said...

HELLO! You kinda inspired me for my next hairstyle which will be better. Because you know how my hair sorta looks red ish brown, well when I got it dyed it was fully purple but my dumb ass self didn't shower in cold water and it faded super quick. Just lettin you know. Well my new hair is going to be blue at the roots, blue bangs, blue under, and the rest black. I wanted to tell you that so it won't come as a shock if my hair has blue in it. If it bothers you that my hair will also be blue i can get purple. Are you a member of the Panic At The Disco fan club? Have you been to one of their concerts? Do you plan on going to a concert?