Monday, May 18, 2009

ballad of fallen angels

I just completely missed my chair and hit the floor.

Fun, yeah??

- - - - -

The TV fails to tell me how to run away.

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You know I've really nothing to say. I just sit for a half hour or so and write whatever comes to mind.

- - - - -

Hello, How are you? Like your shoes, love your hair.

- - - - -

Smile, the World is crashing down about your ears.

- - - - -

Found my Mozart CD.


- - - - -

I love my new curtains. They're a gauzy black. Just lovely.

Positively lovely.

- - - - -

I should just face it. I will never have a boyfriend.

I always fuck up the part before.

It doesn't sadden me anymore. It's just the fact of the matter.

To me, guys are friends. I can't make them anything more.

It just doesn't work.

- - - - -

I have been illegally adopted by two people now, if only for a day.


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I haven't been watching much TV as of late. Just watch movies, Skins, and then piss around on the internet.


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The rain god is staring at me from above.

It doesn't say much, but its still staring.

Never blinks.

- - - - -

Caliente cafe con leche.

Put 20 dollars on todays lottery.

1 ticket that's it.

Hey, a mans gotta dream.

- - - - -

Emma lies. A lot.

and takes my things.

and annoys the piss outta me.


- - - - -

Meet me. The anomaly.

- - - - -

Get lost in the swells of dark strings. They can swallow you right up.

- - - - -

The Ballad of Fallen Angels.


Lauren Ann said...

dont mind him he's all excited cause nina flew in at three am last night!
dont look at me this ones been cooking all weekusnavi come over to dinner theres plenty to eat!
i could recite any part of that soundtrack x]
love it~!

banished_pixie said...

Get lost in the swells of dark strings. They can swallow you right up.

Very true. Sometimes people feel like pupets. even i do sometimes. But its so much fun to be an anomaly isnt it?