Thursday, May 14, 2009

turns out the lights

I think I messed something up. I just wanna be your friend again, ohkay??

Just friends :)

I honestly liked you better with her.

It was more fun.

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Swear to God that Kerr is staring at me in lunch.

Please tell me hes looking at other people too!!

I'm not being all bigheaded, its just how it kind of feels.

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Aww, Lizzy you two are so cute :)

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"I swear you and Jake know every girl in this school."

Good one Andrew...bit too true but, *sigh*

No trouble here.

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Haven't been posting alot....Just nothing to say really.

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New wallpaper for my phone. Great pic of Select. Mad fun :)

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It has been decreed. I am an opposite. I look emo but am too happy.

hhahha, the retarded cows said so. XD

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Almost done with Farsala....I AM going to tackle Tolkien next.

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"That British kid called my parenting 'bullocks'!!"

hhahha, Earl.

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I don't need people...I just happen to find them entertaining.


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We'll write a Song, that turns out the Lights.

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