Thursday, June 18, 2009

the luxury

I wish I had stuff to do.

I need to stop eating my way through the day.

I need to keep myself busy so I stop being a bum.

I know I should run but I can't make myself.

I want stuff to do and places to go that aren't the same places I've always gone.

I hope its nicer tomorrow so I can bike around someplace.

School is good for me. I learn stuff, I don't eat breakfast, and I can't snack at all! It works.

Of course it doesn't help that theres all this sugary shit all over the house cause Emma can eat anything she want without worrying.

She such a fucking bitch for complaining to me that she's 'fat'.

....I think im gonna go for a bike ride. I feel like it.

We don't have the luxury to trade lives for beauty.

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