Saturday, June 27, 2009

visit me in hell

Sorry!! My comp is still without internet and ive finally decided im inconsiderate enough to sign out my Mom from her comp/blog.

I guess a lot has happened, but it depends on who you are.

had an awesome time at Tiff's house. I can't relate to her alot (you know what I mean? Not really, but I get it. hhahha.) but she is one of the best people in my World.

Lizz is killing me with her descriptions of Florida. But hey its ohkay with me. I'm glad I can be her personal therapist again, I like trying to understand the complexity that is Lizz.

Got to meet Amy's dad at graduation last night. Those two are scary/funny alike. Its a pretty cool thing to watch.

Speaking of graduation, Lauren is giving me whiplash. Connor, Adam, Connor, Adam...Seriously, make up your mind. Don't get me wrong, I love Lauren as a person, but shes got the same thing as my sister: They're great when they arent around people. Just hanging with them one on one is the best. But get them around other people and BAM! Totally different person. And to be honest I don't like the person they become around people or persons to be exact. With Em its Brielle (thank god they dont hang out anymore!) and with Lauren its Connor, or Conor, or Brett......or pretty much any male in the vicinity besides Adam. She either becomes uber bitch or super flirt. She's only ever that person that I like, the one whos real Lauren, when Adam's around. Its annoying.

I've got nothing else to say now. Trying to explain annoyance without getting into shit took up all my thoughts.

So, send my Love a letterbomb and visit me in Hell, we're the ones going home!

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