Saturday, June 27, 2009


You wanna know why I call you out alot!? You wanna know why I seem to hate and judge you more than everyone else?! Its because I'm jealous. There I said it.
I'm jealous that you're small, you have a boyfriend, and every guy who comes in your vicinity won't take his eyes off you. You claim you're in a tough spot. From what I see you have basically everything I have ever wanted in life. You bitch and moan and complain because you can never have enough and it drives me crazy, seeing you with everything I've never had.
I wish I could be nicer, but I hate you for the reason that I hate myself. Just wishing I could be more like you in some ways.
Its all jealousy, ohkay? Nothing personal towards you.



Anonymous said...

You don't need a boy to validate you. You are so awesome, just as you are. It's going to be great when some guy realizes that, and adores you endlessly....but until then, please realize that you are completely amazing and wonderful.

And give Lauren a break. She can't help it that she's attractive to boys. They are taught from an early age that beauty equals skinny, long hair, and dressed a certain way. It's not her fault that society creates these stereotypes of what is "hot" and not.

Turn it around...are there boys out there that you wouldn't look twice at because they don't fit the stereotype of what you're supposed to find hot? Those boys are just as lonely and hopeful that some girl will finally notice them for who they are and not for what they look like.

I know it's hard, but try to keep it in perspective. One day, you're going to find yourself reaping the rewards of being a smart, funny, creative and super cool girl...and not just a skinny little twit that guys want to make out with and then dump because there's nothing there but looks and needy-ness.

Lauren Ann said...

listen to your momma shes a smart woman....i hope shes not insulting me with that last bit though lol :\
wanna know why we all keep calling you amazing and talented and beautiful?!
cause you most certainly are :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lauren! I thought of that after I wrote it. I wasn't insulting you. I was thinking of the girls I went to school with. Some of them didn't have a brain in their heads....and that is NOT you.

Also, I am mortified that I used "there" instead of "their". Damn.

Anonymous said...

Harper. You need to learn to love the skin you're in! I was once like you...alway pointing out my flaws like what's wrong with me or what is needing fixing. It wasn't until the beginning of this summer that I realized there is more to life than worrying about what I look like. I heard this song over winter and it's really powerful. It's a christian band, mind you but it has meaning and depth. It's called Mirror by Barlow girl. Listen to the lyrics because they really make sense.

And by the way...the reason I don't date is because I know that I way to good enough for any of the boys in our school. And you are too. You might find someone more like you in college because you'll be taking the same classes as other people and will have the same interests. I know I don't fit in and I just look ahead to better days.

So just tough it out with me and we'll get through this hell called high school. Besides, who needs stupid boys when you have totally awesome friends?

PS. Youtube "A Very Potter Musical" if you haven't already =)