Thursday, August 20, 2009

doesnt feel the same

Imagine, if you will, that you are a runner.
Now, imagine you are at cross country practice.
Imagine youir coach says its an easy 4 mile day.
You concede, its really not that bad.
2 miles up a road then 2 miles back.
You set out.
Though you are last and you go slow,
You do the first 2 miles without walking at all.
You feel good about yourself.
At your turning point,
Your coach is there with water and you get a break and a drink before the next half.
Now, imagine you set out again.
You get maybe 200 meters before you suddenly feel something shift in your ankle.
You see what happens and take a couple more strides.
Now, please imagine the most excruciating pain you have ever felt course through your ankle.
You are suddenly fighting bacck tears it hurts so bad.
You stop.
You walk, without moving your ankle because it hurts so bad.
You walk this way for another 200 or so meters.
You test out a normal walk.
Feels fine.
You test a run.
You're completely fine.
A mile later you are running,
Monitoring your ankle,
But you think you can go the rest of the way with no problems.
All of the sudden,
In your ankle.
You wonder if it makes a noise,
Or if you just felt it.
Now the pain is back.
Worse than before.
You can feel something grinding together with each step you take.
Fighting tears again,
You walk once more without moving your ankle.
About 400 meters later,
Its fine.
You run.
You finish.
You stop and the pain comes on but not as bad.
Still enough.
You don't do strides and you can't put a lot of weight on it.
It aches all day.
2pm is PT.
You tell Nicole what happened.
She puts you on the treadmill.
You walk,
No pain or ache.
You run,
No pain or ache.
You walk/run interval for 11 minutes.
You get off and do your exercises.
It comes back and you wince a few times.
At the end, Nicole puts this electrical thingy on you.
Plus ice.
You walk out with that dull ache.
Throughout the day it becomes a nagging ache.
Til now, when it becomes a painful ache.
You ice.
It doesn't go away.
You are worried sick about practice tomorrow.
Can I run?
Should I run?
Will I ever run without this pain?

The same doesn't feel the same anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please be careful. I don't want you to have any permanent damage. You go back to the ortho next week. Make sure you describe it in detail. I'm worried.