Saturday, August 1, 2009

the real me

Ohmigod, last night at work me and Mike had to count the number of volunteer hours per person...Over three years.
I got the longest consecutive stint:
22Hours some guy was here.
But he won with the most amount of hours.
Some guy spent 418 hours there.
That's just over 20 days!
Isn't that insane!?
I'm glad I didn't have to count that!
It was funny,
He got the half with the people who are always there.
Oh yeah, and Matt broke the pencil sharpener.
It was really funny.
So, I was laughing at him,
Which made him laugh,
and then he was like,
Don't laugh this is tragic and depressing!
So I said, Then why are you laughing?
So he kinda trashed the pencil sharpener job.
Then we all looked on Mr.Williams list for somethiing to do.
It was all a bunch of things.....
With no instructions as to how to do them.
One of them was 'Fix Moon'.
I am being completely serious.
He had 'Fix Moon' on his list.
We asked Mr.C to try and figure out the list.
Even he was totally baffled about the Moon thing.
It was great.
Then we had to learn how to load the paper towel thing.
And the toilet was gross apparently.
Idk, I didn't see cause I generally don't go into stalls in the guy's bathroom.
So Matt took it on himself to fix it.
I had to go get the plunger out of the girl's room.
I don't know why, but this was completely hilarious to me.
So they made fun of me for laughing.
All in good fun.
So, me and Mike are changing the paper towels in the Kitchen,
When Matt walks out with the gross plunger...
Which I had to return to the Girl's room :P
Fun stuff.
I also re-organized the Art Supply Closet.
While I was doing that,
The guys were doing a recycling and garbage run.
They went around the place and got all the recyclables and trash to take out.
Well, apparently Mike tripped over a cinder block outside..
And fell into a recycling bin full of water.
And that is all the fun stories of the evening.

You can turn all the lights on and show me the real me.

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