Monday, August 24, 2009

i think im ready

The other day,
I redid my FP profile.
It was an attempt to describe myself.
Sort of.
And I did kind of a half ass job cause I didn't want it to be to long.
So, I wanna try now.
Dk why.
Just do.

I'm Harper.
I live in New York.
I'm 15.
16 on February 4th, 2010.
Sometimes I'm unhappy a lot.
I feel like an outsider unless I'm hanging with certain people.
I'm kind of a loner.
I hate social functions.
I've never had a boyfriend.
Like a real, treat you right boyfriend.
At the same time that I really want that,
It also scares me cause I don't know anything about anything.
I like to read.
I should read at my level more,
But they don't really write for girls at my age.
I hate being around people because in some way or another I always feel left out.
I'm not fat per say,
But I'm also not skinny.
I really have few qualms about this.
No seriously.
It could be worse.
I used to be a cutter.
It only went on for a month,
Then I was found out.
I will openly admit that sometimes I think about it.
Then I just go read MLIA because it makes me so inexplicably happy,
All thought of that just go away.
I don't know why it works,
But I'm gonna roll with it.
This has really inspired me to get a TWLOHA tattoo.
Sometimes I wish I was still little.
Cause lately everyone around me seems to be moving while I'm still standing alone.
Every once in a while someone takes the time to walk back and get me,
And I appreciate that so much.
I hardly ever come up with my own originality.
I spew quotes from everything all the time.
People seem to think I'm funny,
But I'm really not so funny.
I don't know where they get that idea.
I'm not cutting myself down bytheby.
I'm really happy with who I am right now.
Probably the happiest with me as me as I've been in a year or so.
You know, teen angst puberty shit :))
Don't take this as a cry for help.
I'm not looking for everyone to say poor Harper.
I'm me.
Fucking deal with it.
Oh yeah,
Sometimes I swear too much.
It's a problem at times.
I sing.
People seem to think its good,
But I just see it as I'm loud.
I do feel proud when this so called talent takes me places.
I kind of aspire to go to NYU and major in History,
With a minor in Art History.
The future doesn't freak me out as much as it used to.
I think that's about it.
I can't think of anything else.
So, that's me.
Ina nutshell.

I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the future doesn't freak you out so much as it used to.

I hope you know that I love you more than you will ever be able to comprehend. So does your Dad.

We will always, always, always be there for you. Nothing in the whole universe matters more to us than you and your sister.