Monday, August 3, 2009

i cant fight

Soooo....Talked to Barb about my dirty dish problem.
But I kinda only remembered with about 6 minutes to go.
She gave me some stuff do to about it.
And I don't wanna do it.
The idea scares me shitless.
I really confused her,
Cause I have no aversion to other dirty things.
It's just the food for me.
But I have stuff to do,
And I'm not allowed to tell you Mom cause you could end up pressuring me and stressing me out even more which is the opposite of the idea.
I know you wouldn't do it on purpose but still.

I'm getting to be a pretty fast typist when I stop thinking about it and just type.
If I think about it I start messing up and slowing down like right now.
But when I'm not thinking my fingers just kinda work learned behavior.
Some words are super easy because I use them so much.
Like my finger goes straight to the shift button whenever I type "I".
Hhhehhe, its funn :))

Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's fine sweetie. You do what you can. I will always love you...even if you never touch a dirty dish in your whole life.