Tuesday, August 4, 2009

upon entering

For the past few days,
Even the thought of eating food makes me nauseous.
Actually looking at it is worse.
But as soon as I start to eat,
It goes away.
I'm so confused.
Even thinking about going to brush my teeth right now is making me feel sick to my stomach.

Went up to the falls in Ithica.
Managed to be the only person who fell on dry rock.
Scraped my hip up nicely.
Very fun.
No really,
It was.
The water was realllyy nice.

Oh yeah,
I also crashed through a door in on a drivers ed class on a spinning rolling chair.
That was fun.

I'm still dead tired.
I took a 2 hour nap and I'm still ttly blah.

Tomorrow's the full moon.
Yayy :)
I love the full moon.

Any practiced Catholic would cross themselves upon entering.

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